Monday, April 26, 2010

Pros and Cons of Technology

Technology helps us but also hinders us in a way. Many unnatural death involves car accidents, machine accidents, bombs, guns, TV and computers destroying eye sights, and many more reasons. Without all this, the simple way of life might actually be less deadly considering there will not be any disease. But the advanced technology of hospitals and scientific research help save the lives of many people suffering from diseases and cancer. Communication technology has given us the ability to communicate quickly and easily. Transportation technology has given the ability to travel more easily than before. But all this technology is destroying mankind on some level. So in one simply question: Is technology of today worth the risk? My opinion is yes because the pros outweigh the cons. I enjoy being advanced and having the knowledge that many probably wouldn't have dreamed of from the 1800s.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Escape from Reality

Do you have an escape from reality? Maybe it's time to think of one because it could your shield against unhealthy stress or even depression. My escape is being in a rural area and synced with nature. Escaping from the domesticated is escaping from reality for me. I like to sit in my back yard, surrounded by trees and nature and just lay back and ease into the forest. I could hear the birds chirp and leaves rustling. But an occasional blare of car engines destroys the scene. That is my only concern about my backyard right now, too close to the street. Well an escape from reality is different for everyone and you should try to find it before the stress of life gets to you. Being at work, school, or even home taking care of kids could be very stressful. An instant getaway could soothe this madness of domesticated life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

iPhone 4th generation

The new iPhone 4gs has been discovered. has done an exclusive "dissection" on this device. As you can see, hopefully, the new iPhone is actually thiner in total thickness. However, it now lacks the curved back it originally had. The screen is slightly smaller but is even better resolution than before. There is also a front facing camera, hinting the possibility of video chat. More details about this discorvery can be found at
I can almost say it resembles the microsoft zune quite a bit with the newly rectangular shape.

$ is Important

Have you ever found yourself not knowing what your bank balance is? Have you just sign your name on your paycheck and trust the calculations completely? Well, that is called irresponsible. Keeping all your receipts and subtract them from you balance in your account is a great way to chart your bank account. Before going crazy on your credit card, you should probably check the money you actually have. This is to keep debt far ashore and life balanced. Back to siging your paycheck- Should you really trust their computers? No. An effecient way to keep track, if you don't mind spending a few extra minutes a day, is to write down all your work hours everyday and calculate your paycheck amount on your own. This way, you can double check your trust and recieve what you deserve.

First Day

This is just a few seconds from the time i created my blog. I've never used a blog and i am still not sure the what the full potential of blogging means. I mean "Hey", there's a first for everything...right?...(whoever's listening)