Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sweet Escape

"Take me away, a secret place, a sweet escape. Take me away to better days. Take me away, a hiding place." ♪♫♪

Monday, July 25, 2011


So I've noticed that women, ok not ONLY women but also just anyone and everyone that succumbs to the handbag shopping disease, are attracted to the increasingly famous brand, Coach. Whether it's night or day, Black Friday or not, it's ALWAYS crowded. I've been to the outlet stores (where they are usually cheaper where you can find things around $100-$300) a few times and people actually fight for it. They will literally grab 3 to 6 purses while already using a Coach purse themselves. I personally don't think most of the purses are worth that much. If it weren't for those giant C's, it would probably be worth $5. The common ones that most middle class people prance around with are not that unique. Just like the unfortunate popularity of the Vera Bradley purses and bags, Coach is just the same. But don't get me wrong, i am not totally against Coach. Some of their products, usually higher priced purses, are quite shall i say "pretty?". Overall, i just find such brands are just overly priced, considering they are not even silk or leather or any fancy materials, and the overpricing is just the product of consumer obsession. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camping with Friends!

I went "camping" with my friends at a nearby lake (yes that is a lake). It was pretty amazing and i can still smell the grilled food.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

Well, it's been a while since i've posted and today is Father's Day so i decided to attempt a new post. I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! I hope everyone had a wonderful day and a wonderful time. Even if your dad isn't with you, you know you're always going to be in his heart and he's thinking about you and loves you. Anyways, rejoice the sunshine, well at least here in Texas, and live your life! Toodles :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm actually a bit of a baking/decorating fanatic.

This is a chocolate mousse cake i made with pocky sticks.
On the left, this is my coconut cream pie.
On the right, this is a 3 tier fondant cake with vines and roses from folded streamers.

People are Onions

When you think about it, people can be compared to onions. Like onions, you discover new traits when you peel back the layers. Sometimes it's positive but sometimes it's negative and like onions, makes you cry a little. Everyone has different personalities based on where they are and who they are with. Although it's sad to admit but people are not who they seem to be, which relates to the quote "don't judge a book by it's cover". It can be read as even if someone seems nice, they could be a criminal and the opposite. A nice cover could surround an evil inside but at the same time, a less appealing cover could surround a beautiful soul. It's impossible to just tell exactly how someone is without experimenting a little and even if it's a bad experience, at least you've learned.
Dedicated to Jolly.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Joy of Music

This music piece might sound familiar and it's because it was in the Chlorox commercial. I've seen the commercial but i didn't pay much interest let alone attention to tracking down the music. But a few days ago, a friend of mine showed me the commercial on youtube and i thought the music was just fabulous and we finally tracked down the music album now. The piece involves multiple instruments and it's very calming to hear. It's happy going but also with a powerful chorus that portrays a sense of magnificence. I just thought i should share this with you guys. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Relay For Life

Sooo i participated in Relay for Life and it was definitely quite interesting. One thing to remember for next year; bring more clothes to keep warm. Who knew it was going to be freezing between midnight and sunrise? Well, i guess i did but i didn't expect it to be that bad. However, it was still pretty fun staying up for 12 HOURS!! Well, not many actually stayed UP the entire time. Around 4 am, most of my friends were freezing and snuggling under the blankets. Now that was pretty interesting...watching people sleep (not in the creepy way). Anyways, it was for a good cause and everyone had fun (besides freezing to death), so it was worth it. :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hello! I'm back, after about 4 months. As you can see, i am very bad at keeping this blog going everyday. I will update the design soon since i'm thinking it needs a 2011 redemption look. Please stay tune and bear with me until i can get this up and running again. Let this message be a sense of hope that this blog will last. We'll see ;)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hi again, it's almost been a year!

I can't believe that it's almost been a year. I promised to write almost everyday but that resolution did not come out so well now did it? But at least i still remember this right? I still remember the thing that inspired me to start this blog was Julie and Julia. In the movie, Julie (Amy Adams) decided to start and keep a blog about her cooking and right after that scene, i felt a sudden ambition to start one of my own. But unlike her, i am not able to keep up and be persistent on writing. I guess this post will be my fair comeback. Anyone out there, if there IS anyone, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I really appreciate it.